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A Girl's Guide to Predators: The Games Psychopaths and Narcissists Play

The best book for women ever written.

By C.R.on August 22, 2013

Amazon Kindle

Girl's Guide to Predators is the best book I've ever read on this subject.

It has taken me to a whole new level of living in confidence.

Every woman I buy the book for or refer to read Girls Guide to Predators ends up with a completely revolutionized life. I refer lots of young girls at uni to read it and many have come back to me thanking me profusely for referring them (I tell them "Thank Alison. Send her an email and tell her!"

The stories I hear back, young women averting a potentially bad situation, heightened awareness which results in safer activities, women getting out of DV situations, women getting off meds, getting their kids back, getting jobs, improving relationships... this book produces RESULTS through informing and educating and thereby empowering the reader in a sensible, systematic, encouraging way.

Alison's approach is balanced, informative, factual and grounded in evidence. She presents the truth, warts and all and imparts vital strength to women through her writing.

I give this book 11/10. You simply MUST read it.